Course Outline

Apache fundamentals

  • What is a web server?
  • Apache and the Web
  • HTTP overview
  • Apache Installation Overview
  • Lab: Install Apache

Server Configuration

  • Website requirements
  • Performance issues
  • Apache configuration file
  • Apache modules
  • Shared versus built in modules
  • Lab: Set up a simple Website


  • Error Logs
  • Enabling transfer logs
  • Customised logging
  • Log filters
  • Log file analysis tools
  • Log file management
  • Lab: Enable logging

Dynamic Content

  • Server status and info
  • Common Gateway Interface
  • Perl and mod_perl
  • PHP
  • Java servlets, JSP and Tomcat
  • Integrating Apache and Tomcat
  • Lab: Enable several forms of dynamic content

Controlling Access

  • Controlling access by hostname and IP address
  • Using mod_auth password authentication
  • Using database authentication
  • Lab: Enable authentication and access control


  • Web security issues
  • The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  • Certificates
  • Lab: Install Apache with SSL


  • HTTP authentication
  • Apache authentication directives
  • Authentication using PHP
  • Lab: provide a password protected web page to access order database

Virtual Hosting

  • IP bases virtual hosting
  • Name based virtual hosting
  • Port based virtual hosting
  • Bulk virtual hosting
  • Virtual hosting with mod_rewrite
  • Lab: Enable virtual hosting

Other modules

  • Guided tour of other Apache modules

Managing Web Content

  • FTP access
  • WebDAV
  • Lab: Using WebDAV


  • A working knowledge of UNIX is required, including file handling commands and the use of a text editor.
  • A working knowledge of HTML and SQL would be useful.
  • Familiarity with the Mozilla Web browser would be useful.
 28 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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