Course Outline

Salt Overview

  • The goal of SaltStack
  • Architectural overview of remote execution
  • Salt states
  • Grains
  • Pillar
  • Jinja2 and the virtual mechanism

Introduction to YAML

  • Literals, scalars
  • Sequences, mappings
  • Examples

Installation of Salt

  • Installation on Ubuntu
  • Differences between salt-common, salt-minion and salt-master
  • Installation on Amazon EC2

Salt Command Line Basics

  • Anatomy of a salt command
  • Output formatting in JSON
  • The jq tool

Targeting Minions

  • Globbing
  • Regular expressions
  • List matching
  • IP matching
  • Grains matching
  • Compound matcing
  • Examples and exercises


  • Package management
  • Services
  • Highstate
  • Salt formulas
  • Exercises, examples


  • Jinja2 introduction
  • For loop, assignments, escaping
  • Templating with Jinja2 in Salt, examples


  • Secure storage
  • VNC password deployment example

Extending Salt

  • Writing execution modules
  • Extending Salt configuration
  • Wrapping states around execution modules
  • Rendering data
  • Handling return data
  • Scripting with runners
  • Adding external file servers
  • Connecting to the cloud
  • Monitoring with beacons
  • Extending the master (multi-masters)

Other interesting SaltStack concepts

  • Environments
  • Orchestration
  • Integration with Docker
  • Salt for windows

Summary and Conclusion


  • Basic Unix/Linux administration knowledge is necessary to grasp the more advanced topics in this course.
 21 Hours

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Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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