Course Outline

Server installation Percona/MySQL

Select version

  • Downloading the installer (YUM,RPM)
  • Installation in the system Linux

Server files and scripts Percona

  • Programs Percona / MySQL
  • Server Percona
  • Customer Percona
  • GUI Tools

Server configuration Percona

  • Server mode SQL
  • Server System Variables
  • Dynamic system variables
  • Server Status Variables
  • Closing process

Security Issues Percona Server

  • Securing the server Percona against attacks
  • Security Options
  • Security Issues with LOAD DATA LOCAL

Access system for Percona Access Privilege

  • Permissions Overview Percona Server
  • Powers Provided by Percona
  • Connecting to server Percona - steps
  • Access Control, Step 1: Connection Verification
  • Access Control, Step 2: Request Verification
  • Reasons for rejecting calls

User Account Management Percona

  • Users and passwords
  • Creating new users
  • Deleting user accounts
  • Restricting user permissions
  • Changing passwords

Database maintenance Percona

  • Backup and Recovery - DUMP vs. XtraBackup
  • Database replication
  • Maintenance and troubleshooting
  • Table Information

Log Files Percona

Error Log

  • General Query Log
  • Update Log
  • Binary Log
  • Slow Query Log
  • Log File Maintenance and Rotation

Percona Query Cache

  • The concept of query cache
  • Testing the Query Cache with SELECT
  • Configuring the query cache
  • Checking buffer status

Installing and running the XtraDB Percona Cluster

 14 Hours

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Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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