Programa del Curso
Núcleo Programming y sintaxis en R
- Variables
- Bucles
- Sentencias condicionales
Fundamentos de R
- ¿Qué son los vectores?
- Funciones y paquetes en R
Preparación del entorno de desarrollo
- Instalación y configuración de R
R y Excel
- Mover datos entre R y Excel
- Trabajar con análisis bivariado en R y Excel
- Control de la salida en R
- Ejecución de funciones de DescTools en variables
R Tidyverse
- Carga y filtrado de datos
- Pivotar con R
- Uso de Power Query
Data Visualization con R
- Creación de visualizaciones estáticas con GGPlot
- Capas de varios gráficos
- Transformación de visualizaciones en HTML widgets con Plotly
- Trabajar con tablas interactivas
- Uso de R Markdown
Resumen y conclusión
- Experiencia con Excel
- Analistas de datos
Testimonios (5)
Day 1 and Day 2 were really straight forward for me and really enjoyed that experience.
Mareca Sithole - Africa Health Research Institute
Curso - R Fundamentals
The pace was just right and the relaxed atmosphere made candidates feel at ease to ask questions.
Rhian Hughes - Public Health Wales NHS Trust
Curso - Introduction to Data Visualization with Tidyverse and R
Michael the trainer is very knowledgeable and skillful about the subject of Big Data and R. He is very flexible and quickly customize the training meeting clients' need. He is also very capable to solve technical and subject matter problems on the go. Fantastic and professional training!.
Xiaoyuan Geng - Ottawa Research and Development Center, Science Technology Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Curso - Programming with Big Data in R
I enjoyed the Excel sheets provided having the exercises with examples. This meant that if Tamil was held up helping other people, I could crack on with the next parts.
Luke Pontin
Curso - Data and Analytics - from the ground up
El estilo flexible y amigable. Aprender exactamente lo que era útil y relevante para mí.
Curso - Advanced R
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