Descubra nuestros cursos
Structured Cabling System
7 HorasEmbedded Linux Systems Architecture
35 HorasEnterprise Architecture in the UAF
40 HorasUsar modelado de casos
14 HorasSysML por Ejemplo
21 HorasÚltima Actualización:
Tal vez más ejercicios podrían ser mejores para aprender, pero el tiempo era demasiado pequeño
Gianpiero Arico' - Urmet Spa
Curso - Embedded Linux Systems Architecture
Traducción Automática
La practica sobre cada caso, la buena explicacion, muy entendible y amplio conocimiento de los temas; se utilizó un ejemplo real para practicar
Curso - Use Case Modeling
-Knowledge of the teacher in the subject was really good. He was able to explain very nicely and was able to answer all the questions at that moment. -To be able to know what all the tool is capable of was really good. -The structure he showed, like using scenarios and traceability would be really helpful in my day-to-day work.
Harsha Jain - Scania CV AB
Curso - Introduction to Enterprise Architect
Great knowledge.
Marie - Forsvarets forkningsinstitutt
Curso - Systems Modeling with SysML and Enterprise Architect (EA)
Muchos ejemplos.
Alberto Laguna Aceves - Isdefe
Curso - UML in Enterprise Architect (workshops)
The theory felt quite complete, we handled all important subjects. It was very nice we could zoom in on our use-case Achievements, which helped us with understanding the theory.
Henk Huybrechts
Curso - Systems and Service Architecture - Microservices Architecture
I really enjoyed the real examples and exercises.