Descubra nuestros cursos
AI on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
14 HorasBuilding Microservices on AWS Cloud9
21 HorasAWS Cloud9 for Data Science
28 HorasAWS Security Audit
21 HorasAWS Cloud Security
21 HorasMastering DevOps with AWS Cloud9
21 HorasKubernetes en AWS
14 HorasDocker and Kubernetes on AWS
21 HorasCurso de Amazon Redshift
21 HorasAmazon S3 Fundamentals
14 HorasAWS Advanced Architecture
28 HorasCertificación Arquitecto AWS
21 HorasIngenieros de DevOps AWS
21 HorasAWS Desarrollador Asociado
28 HorasAmazon ECS (AWS ECS)
14 HorasAmazon EKS (AWS EKS)
14 HorasAmazon Web Services (AWS) RoboMaker
21 HorasAmazon Web Services (AWS) SageMaker
21 HorasAWS Technical Essentials
7 HorasKubeflow on AWS
28 HorasTerraform on AWS
21 HorasAmazon DynamoDB for Developers
14 HorasAWS CloudFormation
7 HorasAWS IoT Core
14 HorasAdvanced AWS Lambda
14 HorasAWS Lambda for Developers
14 HorasÚltima Actualización:
El entrenador tenía una buena comprensión de los conceptos
Josheel - Verizon Connect
Curso - Amazon Redshift
Traducción Automática
La parte práctica.
Radu - Ness Digital Engineering
Curso - AWS: A Hands-on Introduction to Cloud Computing
Traducción Automática
En una clase que se sumergió más profundamente de lo esperado en el material. Si bien no soy competente en el tema, ahora estoy equipado con una conciencia de cómo funciona el proceso.
Jon - U.S. Geological Survey
Curso - AWS Technical Essentials
Traducción Automática
The training was more practical
Siphokazi Biyana - Vodacom SA
Curso - Kubernetes on AWS
The trainer knew exactly what they were speaking about.
Madumetsa Msomi - BMW
Curso - AWS DevOps Engineers
There were lots of hands on examples and the walkthroughs we carefully explained.
Jeffrey Ronay - Federal Reserve Bank of SF
Curso - Terraform on AWS
All good, nothing to improve
Ievgen Vinchyk - GE Medical Systems Polska Sp. Z O.O.
Curso - AWS Lambda for Developers
IOT applications
Palaniswamy Suresh Kumar - Makers' Academy
Curso - Industrial Training IoT (Internet of Things) with Raspberry PI and AWS IoT Core 「4 Hours Remote」
I liked getting to understand the breadth of the services offered by AWS and gaining a better understanding of their pricing model for each of those services.
William Crowdis - MDA Systems Ltd.
Curso - AWS Developer Associate
Gabriel was very organized and prepared for this training. He answered all questions and clarify the AWS notions and architecture. Great job, Gabriel.